How do I access my custom symbols in PTW?
Generally, new symbols should be added to the existing symbol library file instead of creating a new symbol library. The reason is because Symbols.ugs is the only library file name recognized by PTW. If another symbol library file is required, please create a backup or rename the existing Symbols.ugs in order to preserve it from accidental deletion. Place the new Symbols.ugs in the 'Lib' folder of your PTW installation directory. If the new symbol library is not available in PTW, please check the referenced folder in "Project - Options - Miscellaneous Files". This directory should point to the folder location that contains the new symbol library. This directory also contains other referenced files such as Datablock Format, Forms Layout, Queries, and so forth.
Figure 1: Select the Project pull-down menu and click on Options...
Please keep in mind that the old symbol library must be available to existing one-line drawings that contain these symbols. The best approach would be to merge existing multiple symbol libraries into a single symbols library.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact tech support.